photos by: Effy Grey

nest, act II


World Premiere: August 28, 2021 NOoSPHERE Arts NYC, Urban Wildlife Event, WE ARE NATURE

A view of two birds building their home in the environment of an industrialized wasteland. We witness them cope with their fellow species flocking away and how they take care of one another through the loss of hatchlings, man-made hazards, and the desire for wild spaces.

Director and Creator: Kelly Ashton Todd
Performers: Jennifer Payán and Kevin Pajarillaga
Musical Accompaniment: Christiaan van Voorst van Beest
Choreography: Jennifer Payán, Kevin Pajarillaga, and Kelly Ashton Todd
Producers: Kevin Andrew Specter, Tracy Grogan, and Amelia Tsai
Costume Design: Allison Dyke
Generously supported by Lisa & Michael Springle, Kevin Andrew Specter, Tracy Grogan, and Amelia Tsai