My first day of my undergrad was spent in Environmental Science 101. My gorgeous professor with a South American accent burst in and said “Has anyone heard of the big sexy polar bears and how they are losing their homes?!” Everyone shot up their hand because, by that point, we were well aware. The famous photo of the polar bear swimming for dear life was headlined in every liberal magazine. He continued to say “Well, if you are going to be a true environmental activist, you must fall in love with the tiny phytoplankton as well”.
Phytoplankton are teeny tiny photosynthetic organisms that are the major contributors of the entire marine ecosystem. They are the foundation of the food web and are responsible for HALF of the photosynthetic activity on earth. This means they help create a lot of food, plant life, shelter, and oxygen. They are incredibly vital to our local and global ecosystems.
Just like the beginning steps of creation. Everything starts with an idea; a stroke of blue on a canvas, a question in the studio, or a word on the paper. This is the foundation of your art and it is absolutely necessary to give attention to these small steps to set up the large piece. What I love about Monet’s work is you step up as close as the museum will allow and everything looks like monochrome dots. But then when you start inching back, there are lily pads floating masterfully above a poetic pond.
I spend a lot of time researching for all of my creations, whether it’s character development, choreography, or directing. I have been ridiculed for how much time I spend digging instead of just doing. Well, the digging never stops, and neither does the phytoplankton. Just because the phytoplankton and the research paves way for larger revelations or phrases, it is important to always check back in with the initial small idea and ask “are you thriving?”.
How to Inspire Small Ideas
Everything begins small, from a seedling of an idea to the beginning of a new adventure. Right now is a time to take all those “small” ideas or rituals and keep them brewing. You are an artist, you are resilient, and it is ok to take time to be quiet and “small”. With the energy that is moving in the world right now - this is a wonderful time to listen to the microaggressions in the body, and around you, and use your art to respond to them.
What are the thoughts that absorb your mind?
What are the tiny sprouts coming out of your potted plant?
What are the small sentences you are reading that are cracking open new vessels in your spirit?
Write them down!
Keep a section in your notes on your phone or
Get a giant recycled sketch pad as your idea journal
Make an art board online either through google docs or Pinterest to keep your ideas inspired